The Ultimate Guide for SMB Video Marketing

Video marketing for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) is always a challenge in itself. Because, large-size businesses (LMB’s) have high spending power and can pursue various marketing schemes, small and medium business (SMB's) have constricted pockets and budgets. They are more careful and conservative in spending patterns.

With tight budgets, SMBs can only invest in ventures and tactics that are safer, reliable and with a positive track record of higher income returns. One marketing avenue has distinguished itself as a clear favorite amongst modern SMB marketing channels.

Why Videos are Helpful in SMBs Marketing Strategy

(a). 60%vof SMBs find videos to be the most effective online promotional content route, excluding text.

(b). SMBs are slowly embracing video marketing in a big way and are suddenly exposing prevailing conceptions about the video funnel.

(c). Though anyone can produce high-quality, engaging video content. 60% of SMBs are creating more than 5 videos monthly on average.

That shows the emergence of the video marketing strategy helps elevate SMBs. With bigger and better benefits, video marketing shows several metrics that gauge and tell video performance across channels and thus impact SMBs marketing potential. Today, Video Analytics Software is inspiring and pushing SMBs on the road to proactive business innovation.

How SMBs Can Adopt and Benefit from Video Marketing

1. Landing Page Linkage

Linking the video posts to website landing pages makes it easy for users and visitors to view them while browsing through or for other information. That gets to share the video information and move ahead to the next step in the marketing strategy. Thorough video circulation is vital to access a broader target audience. That also helps generate data for further steps in the marketing funnel.

2. Integrate Social Media

It is estimated that on average time spent on social media is about 142 minutes a day or 4.5-5 hrs. The statistics may be higher going by the demographics and target audiences. Millennials, generation X, Y, and Z tend to spend more time than most generations on various creative pursuits. This gives a chance to promote services and products using small business video marketing techniques. Every social media platform has special ways to keep the users engaged and tuned in to all updates.

3. Add Analytics

Videos give concrete analytical data that has all the information needed to ascertain how successful the marketing strategy is performing. The videos also show how many times the viewers have seen them and know better how the viewers have engaged with the video content. The video content is analytically driven to showcase progress and impact on the demographics.

4. Organic Site Traffic and Engagement Statistics

Videos are great for enhanced site visitors with a promise of better user experience. That results in low bounce rate, extra browsing time, higher organic traffic and engagement statistics. These metrics are extra crucial in SMB video marketing as they release new and better ways to market and promote SMBs. Besides, several online free tools help you track video return on investment (VROI) on a sustained basis.

5. Auto Lead Generation and Conversion

Videos are the best tools when it comes to faster lead generation and conversion. They are instant, real-time, and communicate way better than let's say blogs or articles. But more than so, it's possible to track and target the best convertible leads with software. Moreover, for marketing professionals, the chances of tracking the percentage of site visitors usually convert to a successful business deal. These tactics of adding videos also draw attention to landing pages and highlight call to action (CTA) buttons in the videos.

6. Syndicate for Mobile Engagement

It’s a fact that more customers prefer to learn or discover a product or service using video. That is not all, most of the videos are watched on mobile devices. That presents a new, faster and engagement-friendly medium. SMBs can tap into the power of video marketing to expand prospects and demographic engagement to a whole new level using mobile.

7. Include Testimonial Videos

Most consumers use online reviews as a barometer to gauge several metrics when it comes to decision-making especially when attempting to locate local reputed businesses. Also, testimonial videos are nice avenues to share positive reviews websites or social media channels.

Testimonials don’t have to include customers sharing views live on cameras. They can easily be created by gathering positive reviews that have been left by customers online or shared via email.

8. Incorporate Product Overview

Product overviews not only help gain attention by also win the trust and confidence of prospects. Product overviews are helpful to both businesses and target audiences to get the closest ideas of the services and products provided as well as gain customer attention respectively.

The videos do not just highlight but give in-depth knowledge about what makes the business's services and products unique from the competitors. The viewer’s gain better ideas of what they are getting by choosing these products or services over others. Product overview videos usually are creative, innovative and intuitive with a rational outlook that convinces prospects and target audiences to choose the business' products and services over the competitors. Choosing the product list with their applications is also vital. Product overview videos add high value to product pages on business websites. Besides, they help promote products or services on social media channels.


SMBs encounter several hardships and challenges in implementing the smallest of changes in their transformational efforts. Video Analytics in SMB video marketing attempts and strategy take SMBs to another level of insight-based business decisions.


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