How Can Artificial Intelligence be Kept Accountable to Humans?

Artificial Intelligence Services are utilized and used to prevent errors and reduce human efforts.

At the mention of Artificial Intelligence, we should remember that before tools or devices can imitate or emulate the act of humans concerning thinking, carrying out activities, Investigation, study and analysis of data or information it will operate only based on what humans have programmed into the system or the computer.

Artificial Intelligence Services are utilized and used to prevent errors and reduce human efforts. On the other hand, accountability shows and can justify the actions or the activities of humans to those of the AI devices or tools.

Meaning and Adaptation of Artificial Intelligence

AI can be defined as the automatic means or processes that tend to make tools or devices to be able to start and operate by carrying out their activities in exactly the same way as humans with little or no supervision. It also reveals how well it can organize or arrange data in the right way it should be done or carried out by humans.

Therefore, AI not only helps in the business field by aiding several companies to do or carry out their daily activities whenever needed but also aids in the critical area of reducing manufacturing errors.

If it can serve or show manufacturing errors, it is also a means to help reduce or minimize wastage of time, money, scarce resources and human efforts. It further helps to figure out details or some characteristics about particular data or information regarding particular areas of the business at a brisk and orderly pace.

Accountability of Artificial Intelligence to Humans

Humans work at a particular rate or extent for which they can persevere before they get tired. It is well-known that humans despise stressful situations or processes before they get their work done effectively.

Perhaps, that explains why several company employees dislike constant focusing or monitoring of tedious and repetitive tasks. Interestingly, AI helps bridge the gap and further helps set up an arrangement where businesses can still work efficiently without compromising productivity. Approximately25% to 30% of businesses today have either engaged AI processes in their day-to-day activities or are planning.

Since its humans who program all AI activities, it makes AI quite different from humans. That is because certain or specific actions are seen or considered if it’s worthy to carry them forward or are stopped by humans. AI cannot accomplish that as it carries out the programs, actions and tasks set into the business system or the computer database. Now let’s look at how AI can be made accountable to humans below.

(A). Getting Work Done

Are you thinking about how work must or should be accomplished? Since both humans and AI carry out tasks and activities on their own, the difference is that there is always a rate, pace, extent and limit.

Humans have limitations and hours at which they can work before getting tired or exhausted. On the other hand, AI devices or tools to work efficiently still need humans to function and operate. That is because of the functional, operational and programming startups as enumerated by Automation and Artificial Intelligence Services. That allows them to work at any point in time with proper maintenance.

(B) Accuracy

Talking of accuracy or error-free, humans can also work without making mistakes yet it takes a lot of practice, patience, and effort before reaching that level. But for AI devices that are programmed to deliver particular activities and tasks, they cannot make errors.

(C). Duration of Time

Humans and devices or tools are different in many ways. They are different when it comes to the duration it takes before completing or carrying out tasks or activities.

Humans also take time as they not only work to complete their tasks fast but also they are working to get it done properly. It takes patience and effort to avoid errors. And with that, it takes more time before they can work compared to any devices that finish tasks very fast and their work is error-free.

(D). Consistency

Although AI and humans are both consistent, it is just that their consistency rate is quite different from each other. Humans get tired at a point in time, and this affects the rate at which they are able to keep up with their job or work. But with artificial intelligence, most devices tend to be more consistent in carrying out activities with proper service and maintenance.

(E). Different Sources of Energy

Humans get their energy and stamina from the food they eat e.g. fruits, vegetables, cereals, flour, etc. that are rich in vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates which gives them the ability to work. But for devices, they get or generate the energy that gives them the ability to work from electricity, electronic devices or other means of generating working energy. That means harnessing and making these means prevalently clear and stated.


Going by the points discussed above, it is clear that some things are only possible for both humans and Cognitive Computing Services to undertake. That justifies how they work even though they work differently. While AI can do several human activities and carry out lots of tasks, it also helps out a lot in modern business.


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