10 Authentic Reasons Why Salesforce Is the Best CRM

Salesforce is the world’s most adopted and utilized Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software that helps to carry out several management functions and activities that help build a great connection, communication and relationship between the company and its customers or clients.

Salesforce Brief History

Salesforce CRM is the world-leading CRM software manufactured and launched in the year 1999 (21years ago) by CEO (Marc Benioff) an Oracle Corporation sales executive with the fellow co-founders Parker Harris, Dave Moellenhoff and Frank Dominguez.

Today, going by industry statistics and evaluations, Salesforce is a leading computer software company globally commanding a market capitalization of over $156 billion.  More than 91% of top technology industry analysts and experts evaluate the Salesforce CRM a leader in its niche going by the research reports. Salesforce has redefined the cloud computing landscape it pioneered and has dominated it for the past several years.

10 Reasons Why Salesforce Is the Best CRM

There is a huge difference between quality and quantity, for the fact that many things or much doesn’t mean that they are ac ally working effectively or the way we want them to. On the other hand, something’s may be less and work perfectly just as we exactly how we want them to in order to carry out intended activities for us. Let’s find out the reasons why, Salesforce is more unique and why it’s the most used customer relationship management software today.

1. Easy to Access

This is extremely important when it comes to the case of customers. Customers don’t want anything that will be difficult to operate, make them give up, test their patience or give up on a particular thing. At the end of the day, just like how this applies to humans and how they don’t want to be stressed at all when it comes to their daily routines. Salesforce is very easy to access, work with, adapt to existing IT office infrastructure with on simple sequences to operationalize on any day and anytime an authorized office employee needs to access it.

2. Easy to Customize and Scalable

Whatever you will like to add or remove at a particular point of time or any form of adjustment is way easy and direct. Salesforce is customizable to suit user needs and requirements. If there are any patterns that you feel like changing or you have one kind of way in which you want the sales pattern to look like or appear. Salesforce customization is a great attraction with multiple scalability options.

3. Organized Reporting

Salesforce provides a means that ensures or helps to avoid wasting time and wasting of money or resources. It allows you to be able to focus on the main goal which is how your business will grow and move forward just like you always hope it will. This not only strengthens but also holds firm the relationship between the company and its customers.

4. Mobile CRM

As a mobile CRM, Salesforce ensures that even when u are not present in the office or at your place of work, you can always work from remote locations or wherever you are (cloud connectivity) with easy access to control panel. Moreover, Salesforce is ensures strict login protocol that minimizes unauthorized access.

5. Multitenant Program

It brings together customers that have the same business goals in common by grouping them as well as scrutinizes all the necessary documents required for validation. If there are any documents that need to be updated, Salesforce shows it and keeps in touch or keeps updates about every client. This helps builds close bonds, make clients know your trustworthiness as company and reliability.

6. Task Management

One of the best fundamentals of Salesforce is task assignment, assessment and management. By regularly showing how your work can be managed better and with strategies to apply in order to achieve a particular goal. This means assessment and evaluation strengthens or builds efficiency. Besides regular task assessment and management is the catalyst to good communication channels not only between your company and your clients but also employees.

7. Contact Management

Contact management ensures that the customer’s details such as names, addresses, and contact numbers are available and updated correctly and regularly whenever needed.  Salesforce takes note of all necessary and important details of clients’ benefits and of the company. Demographic mapping helps gauge the size of the market and thereby lay strategies to target based promotion and publicity.

8. Streamlines Work Flow

Work flow is always important especially with several departmental organizations and businesses. The gathering of certain and necessary information on the one hand helps to attain particular business goals. But it also helps gauge or measure how well you carried out your activities either perfectly or in flaw. All the ways are documented in a certain pattern and process so as to appear systematic, organized and with consistent pursuit for a specific goal and objective. All is done perfectly and effortlessly since it is tabulated and appears in a certain pattern or since you know what it should look like or are aiming for at the end. Streamlining means systematic work organization.

9. Non-Profit Organization

Salesforce renders services to non-profits with features. It adapts these features for non-profits that helps them achieve their target activities without billing them or collecting fees from them. Since non-profits rely on donations or helping hands, the donations from different people or philanthropists of all types mean the CRM software helps organizations improve the way people donate to such organizations by keeping it in mind that the money donated is rightly used for appropriate things.

10. Security Features 

Salesforce customer relationship management software ensures that work is done properly and accurately or accordingly by the people using the software by securing of data or information that isn’t meant to be disclosed.  Salesforce prevents unauthorized access by third parties and ensures the security of information. Information security and data safety are key issues in doing business today. This is one of the major reasons why Salesforce customer relationship management software is has dominated and is the best providing more advantages and privileges.


Salesforce isn’t just the most used CRM software t is also a prominent brand that resonates with many businesses for rendering great reliability and security to those using it. The advantages are multi-dimensional but besides that multiple industry relevance and ease of adaptation are significant.  Salesforce Data Migration Services have proven and illustrated the advanced ease of customization, mobility, organization, and remote cloud accessibility from anywhere at any time and day. With enhanced security features means securing of vital information is a high priority.


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