How Can AI and Machine Learning Offer Help Under COVID-19?

 What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is the science of making smart machines using cognitive computer programs. Artificial Intelligence adapts computer programs to try and know human intelligence. Artificial Intelligence strives to make computer programs smart enough to imitate human behavior.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is part of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems with the ability to automatically learn and improve from experiences minus explicit programming. Machine Learning adapts various algorithms such as neural networks that aid solving problems.

As the entire world grapples with how to tackle and solve lots of challenges posed by the corona virus outbreak there have been discussions on how best to adapt new emerging technologies to boost  the healthcare delivery systems across the world. Given that

How Can Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Can Be of Help

Process Huge Data Quantities and Volumes

In this phase of COVID-19, statistics is very important but at the rate it is fast changing new technologies are essential. Machine learning helps analyze huge quantities of data. Though generally, it delivers faster and more accurate results to identify profitable opportunities or dangerous risks, ML requires additional time and resources to grasp. Combining ML with AI and other cognitive technologies makes ML more effective in processing large data volumes. Be it healthcare, industry, independent research institutions and government agencies they are all overtaken by the changing face of daily COVID-19 data volumes. ML is a critical mass in solving mounting data volumes.

Whereas viral pandemics are hard to monitor and track due to the nature of fast changing situations the availability of smart technologies like AI and ML helps. How?  

Healthcare Screening and Diagnostic Chatbots

Virus screening can be highly challenging especially with a highly contagious virus. Screening chatbots can be highly effective in helping to eradicate this problem. They are AI empowered to carry fully diagnostic checks with minimal human interruption. Patient and other data like:

- Basic Screening and Diagnosis

- Patient Treatment History

- Infection Rate Analysis

- Vulnerability and Risk Assessment

Virtual Businesses and Organizations Sales and Productivity Increase

Everything has gone remote and online as most business and productive work is done offsite with the collaboration of teams easily done minus stepping in the physical office location. AI and ML add easy and intelligent software systems that have brought a commendable shift in business and office practice. Though this has been in practice with most e-commerce businesses the speedy deployment of offsite office practices means a lot for the new normal. Remote customer services, speed sales, productivity monitors and a highly efficient system that delivers better and higher productivity overall with AI.

Safeguard and Protect Businesses from Fraudsters

Online fraud is always a present danger and reality and is on the rise with increased digital payments. Though businesses have shifted to cashless payments, there is always a threat of fraudsters and many other illegal methods deployed to steal customer data. For any enterprise especially with a substantial online presence means investing in secure, reliable and trustworthy security instruments to safeguard not only customer but also business data. E-payments, e-transactions and other forms of digital. Artificial Intelligence offers higher success in online related fraud attempts than basic coded security systems.  

AI Helps Automate Several Work Processes and Routines  

Face to face office interactions are not possible in the present situation for most businesses, firms, institutions, schools, and even government offices. However, interactive means have been instituted to maintain a relative sense of connectivity in the course of the pandemic. It is noteworthy, that automation adapts several work routines and processes that would otherwise take extra time and labor to accomplish.

AI Enhances Customer Experiences

With the help of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning there is an extra touch to the customer experiences online. The improved and heightened service makes Artificial Intelligence helps industries and service providers by reshaping business processes and the ways it operates in the market fostering a new strategic capability.


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