Reasons Why Small Business Should Have A Mobile Application
Many businesses haven't realized that any marketing medium has unparallel potential to open new opportunities, be it small or local businesses. If your strategic plan doesn't involve mobile app development, you must read this article to get a clear picture. You may have invested your valuable time and resources in building a website to cover customers when they need info about your business! With Google Play and App Store congested with around 1.4 million in each, you can understand how much importance every business is giving for mobile app development . If you still haven't given thought and still thinks that just a website would do all the work, ask a few questions - How do you tell when a customer walks to your door every time? Do your website offer discounts or special perks to your customer for encouragement? Does your website offer customized shopping experience? Do your website provides push coupons and incentives within a certain radius of your store? Let's u...