7 Ways to Avoid a Cloud Migration Failure

 Bulky servers, in-house organizational software have been dominated by cloud services. Cloud migration services are scalable, robust, secure, and cost-effective than the traditional workforce environment. But, to think that the cloud may not have pitfalls can be your mistake. 

A well known disruptive technology, Cloud, is capable of scaling the business and give a competitive advantage today. Looking into cloud migration services to avail benefits like better ROI, scalability, control over IT, and app deployment can also facilitate faster innovation. 

However, with a myriad of benefits, there are certain stages to make the cloud migration successful. When surveyed, it was found that the failure rate of Cloud migration is around 30-50%. 

Definetly planning and following a roadmap is the key ingredient to make cloud migration attempt successful, yet people fail to realize. With the help of experts providing cloud management as a service can help in strategizing even the complex environment migrate seamlessly, keeping all aspects in mind. 

How to Ensure Cloud Migration Success and Avoid Failures? 

Defining Goals and Creating a Roadmap

When you have identified, what needs to be addressed when migrating to the cloud, the next thing to understand is how to do it. 

Cloud migration isn’t about migration. For a successful migration, business needs to have a solid strategy, good designs, staged deployment, adequate management, and robust security measures to avoid breaches. Further, processes rely on the initial strategy phase, so it is essential to have a good migration plan. 

Migrating Applications 

Cloud migration means using entirely new software and changing workflows, so it is vital for each member of the organization to adapt to the change. You will have to create a list of applications that you can say goodbye to and which you want to migrate without replacing the software that you are highly reliant on.  

Take Small Steps 

After making a list of software you want to migrate, you should not migrate all of them at the same time. It starts small by migrating first the enterprise apps, then checking their configuration, underlining security and functionality before scaling or taking everything live. 

Choose Right Cloud

Companies are turning towards the cloud more and more. Choosing a platform may require a little research before implementing it in your business. You may have applications that are architected for a public cloud environment, and fewer applications may do well on a private or hosted cloud. To ensure seamless functionality, you would not want to purchase different types of platforms. To make it cost-effective, you can look for a platform that offers both kinds of applications to scale.

Fortify Managed Service Provider When Requisite

If you are migrating too early and do not have the necessary time to educate your IT employees, you can always look out for help. Be it cloud security services, backup & disaster recovery, cloud management services, qualify proficient managed service provider. 

Keep Track of Progress

Whether or not you elect a managed service provider for migrating your business processes or software for migration, hold someone accountable. You should establish meetings of progress on a regular or weekly basis. 

Invest to Secure

No cloud migration can be successful without managing it. Monitoring ensures secure data flow, prevention from data loss, constant threat intelligence, and swift recovery. Effective cloud management tools help manage workloads housed on a different cloud instance or type of environment, so you may want to consider investing in a safe cloud management platform.

How AWS helped in Successful Cloud Migration?

Cloud Comrade is a renowned name that has helped 300+ customers through their Cloud journey, allowing them to focus on improving their business processes, optimize infrastructure, and security. They are the premier consulting partner of AWS that ensures customer benefits.

When people realized the benefits of cloud services, they turned towards it, leaving the prolonged and slow conventional way of the customer onboarding process. However, the earlier SAP ERP software would require substantial upfront investments in infrastructure. Cloud, on the other hand, demands no infrastructure. Thus to control the costs, people started switching to cloud migration, and many companies came forward to provide extensive cloud management as a service to overcome the challenge of migration. 

Planning for cloud migration can reduce 30% of infrastructure costs while maintaining performance and availability levels. 

In the Nutshell -

With a limited lifespan of servers, you cannot replace them one after the other for a lifetime. Nor can you rely on a single server to avoid falling apart. The only effective and profitable way is through cloud migration. 

Cloud migration is an all in one platform to handle hardware upgrades beyond office walls and planning to complete the process. Other than that, Cloud Solution is secure, robust, & scalable that offers storage, data management, and cost-effective & seamless file sharing in a more user-friendly way only when planned effectively.


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