7 Steps to Decrease Mobile App Development Cost

Mobile app development is an immeasurable requisite step that supports your business to scale. It is an added advantage for your business to attract new customers & retain existing customers. But, is just thought about the exorbitant cost for developing an app that makes you step back? Here you shall explore ways to reduce the cost for your custom mobile app development.

The magnitude of success is dependent upon the mobile applicationdevelopment, but the venture is considered to be expensive. However, enterprises keenly find ways to reduce the cost of the undertaking also, parallelly taking care of the end product's quality.

Whether a simple or custom mobile app development, the cost is determined when you get all the requirements. Documenting business purposes gives a clear picture. Your efforts to build a valuable app will be delivered on time and with minimum errors when you have requirements handy.

You can also work the other way round by outsourcing the entire project. You can get in agreement with a mobile app development company located in another country. Outsourcing can save up to 70% of your development cost. 

It is always a wise decision to save money on development instead of developers. You may find many agencies that offer services at a suspiciously low price, but you never know if they contain the necessary experience or not. So, make sure you check for the two-point when you outsource your project.

1- Pitfalls

Always research the company that you are hiring to assist you with the project. To avoid getting into deep pitfalls, ask for the legal employment contract, disclosure, and payment clarity.

2- Quality 

Only hiring the reputed and ethical software development firm with well-established business processes can assure quality. Asking them what practices and technology they use to reduce costs can turn helpful.


Steps to Reduce the cost for Mobile App Development

Step 1 - Cross-Platform Development

A good way to reduce the cost of mobile app development is by using a cross-platform app development platform. Unless the client is reluctant for a particular platform, otherwise, you would save yourself from the hard work and time spent on each platform separately.

Step 2 - Agile Methodology

Organizations, in order to scale, have started applying the agile development method. Agile is swift as well as time effective that offers better solutions, reducing risks and expenses.

Step - 3 Ready-to-use Solutions

Why spend time in building features when you can use the pre-built templates. With the help of third-party SaaS, BaaS, PaaS, and WaaS that offer ready to use solutions with just a little bit of customization you can build app features quickly. Ranging from UI features to backend services like sharing and processing data from multiple users, synchronizing data across devices, user authentication, sending notifications and message, & many more.

Step - 4 MVP

Any quality app must have a minimum viable product (MVP), which acts as a prototype of your app. An MVP contains all the important features & functionalities in design. With the help of MVP, you can easily evaluate the market demand of your product and add secondary features when demand exists and start making revenues. MVP goes hand in hand seamlessly with the agile methodology, which reduces costs and diminishes possible failures of the app.

Step - 5 Continuous Testing

Continuous app testing during all mobile app development stages not just ensures quality, but also saves costs of fixing issues and bugs. The agile methodology does test each development phase of the app before moving on to the next stage. Thus, integrating agile in development itself reduces a lot of aforementioned feature costs. 

Step - 6 Constant Monitoring

Having faith in your project managers is a good thing, but it is equally essential to get the constant progress of your product. How well your app is serving its purpose and how happy are your customers. With the constant observation of your faults, you develop a habit to deliver quality and error-free products to avoid the after-sales cost.

Step -7 Avoid Push Notifications

A survey explains that ditching push notification reduces the cost of mobile app development by 30%. It is anyway one of the most annoying features in respect to the customer yet an effective form of marketing. If sending the notification isn't as requisite as other features in your app, you can skip for later add on features. 

In the Nutshell -

The cost of mobile app development varies from company to company, requirements needed, and time & resources needed to engage in within the project. However, there are various alternatives like project outsourcing, using ready-made solutions, MVP, and many more. All you need to understand is to choose platforms and a mobile app development company wisely to avoid future issues.



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